About Us

CLA 2014_smMission Statement

To serve the Town of Paris and the Greater Sauquoit Valley residents by providing resources, equitable access to information and opportunities for life long learning.

Non Profit Status
The Clayville Library Association is recognized as a Not For Profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)3. Proof of exempt status is available upon request from our Treasurer. For tax purposes, a receipt may be requested for tax-deductible contributions.

Proper Behavior – Irresponsible, inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated or immediate and/or future services may be refused.

Guardianship – The library staff is not responsible for the supervision of minors. An adult should accompany children under seven years of age, not attending special programming.

The library Director reserves the right to expel those patrons not in compliance.

Patron Confidentiality
Adopted from the NYS Education Law – Borrower Privacy CPRL 4509: Records related to the circulation of library materials which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of public, free association, school, college, and university libraries and library systems of the state shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except that such records may be disclosed to the extent necessary for the proper operation of such library and shall be disclosed upon request of consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by statute.

The library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selections will not be made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the building of the collection and to serving the interests of readers.

The library recognizes that censorship is a purely individual matter and declares that while anyone is free to reject materials of which they do not approve; they cannot exercise their right of censorship to restrict from others the freedom to read/view.

Responsibility for the reading/viewing of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Our collection will not be inhibited by the possibility of materials that may inadvertently come into the possession of children.

Freedom to Read Statement – The library has adopted the FREEDOM TO READ STATEMENT as adopted and revised by the American Library Association.

Freedom to View Statement – The library has adopted the FREEDOM TO VIEW STATEMENT as adopted and revised by the American Library Association

Library Bill of Rights -The library has adopted the LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS as adopted and revised by the American Library Association.

General – Patrons must have a valid Mid-York System Library Card. All overdue items must be returned and fines paid. No materials may be borrowed if fines exceed $5. There is a thirty-item limit to include a maximum of four videos per person.

Books & Books on Tape will be loaned out for a two-week period. They are renewable twice. The exceptions are books and books on tape on reserve, new releases, and inter/intra library loan. They are renewable at the discretion of the lending library.

Magazines will be loaned out for a three-day period. They are renewable once.

Tapes will be loaned for two days and may be renewed once. The exception is newly released titles. There is a limit of four tapes per family per night. Lending of Mid-York owned tapes requires an annual insurance fee. This policy is required by Mid-York and can be paid at the Clayville Library. The annual insurance covers all family members. However, all tapes must be charged to the insured patron’s account. Please refer to our censorship policy regarding materials accessed by children.

Music CD’s will be loaned out for a two-week period and may be renewed once. Please refer to our censorship policy regarding materials accessed by children.

All reference materials are for in house use only. Reference materials on CD-ROM do not circulate.


Requests: All materials now requested via the on-line terminal will remain outstanding for 90 days or until filled by a member library within the system. We receive these materials every weekday. It is the patron’s responsibility to call the library on these days to check the status of their request. The library will make one attempt to notify the patrons when their requests arrive. Once Clayville Library receives these materials, they will remain on our shelves and be held for three days. Once this period expires, we reserve the right to return them to the lending library.


General – Fines are an integral part of the library’s annual budget. Every effort is made to make sure they are accurate. The Library Director is not able to waive these fines.

Books – Fines are twenty (20) cents per day, and start on the second “late day”. They will accrue for a maximum fine per item of $6.00 (not to exceed the cost of the book). If an item is damaged or lost, the patron is responsible for the greater of $6.00 or the replacement cost.

Magazines – Fines are twenty (20) cents per day, and start on the second “late day”. They will accrue for a maximum fine per item of $3.00 (not to exceed the cost of the magazine). If an item is damaged or lost, the patron is responsible for the greater of $3.00 or the replacement cost.

Video Tapes & DVDs – Fines are $2.50 per day, starting on the first late day. They will accrue for a maximum period of fifteen days, for a maximum fine of $37.50. Borrowers are responsible for delivering overdue rotating videos to the next destination library by the next business day, or must pay a $5.00 delivery fee in addition to the overdue fine. The required Mid-York Video Insurance covers damaged tapes owned by Mid-York. The patron is responsible for the greater of $37.50 or the replacement cost of all other damaged or lost videos.

Tapes/CD’s – Audio – Fines are $1.00 per day, starting on the first late day. They will accrue for a maximum period of fifteen days, for a maximum fine of $15.00. If an item is damaged or lost, the patron is responsible for the greater of $15.00 or the replacement cost.

Reference Materials – Fines are twenty (20) cents per day, and start on the second “late day”. They will accrue for a maximum fine per item of $6.00 (not to exceed the cost of the book). If an item is damaged or lost, the patron is responsible for the greater of $6.00 or the replacement cost.

Materials Selection

The purpose of the Clayville Library Association selection policy is to guide the Director and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.

The library sets as its goals in the selection of books and other library materials, the educational, informational, recreational, and cultural needs of the people of all ages of the community. Basic to the policy is the Library Bill of Rights as adopted by the American Library Association, as referenced on page 6.

Principles of Selection

Library materials must satisfy acceptable standards of quality and fill a need. Final responsibility for book selection lies with the Director who shall have the support of the Board of Trustees.


The primary objectives of book selection shall be to collect materials of significance. The library will always be guided by a sense of responsibility to both present and future users or needs in adding material which will enrich the collection and maintain an overall balance.

Guidelines for selection:

The library will select materials that will help our patrons to understand themselves and their world.

The library will select new materials and replace older titles, which have proven their value. The Director will maintain a collection that should be broad enough to provide meaningful materials for patrons of all ages. Some materials in the collection will be of use to adults working with children.

The library will select local and significant New York State historical and contemporary books.

The library will work with the Sauquoit Valley Central School in selecting books used in connection with the curriculum, excluding textbooks.

Collection Maintenance

The Director will retain materials that meet the needs of its patrons.

The Director will decide what materials to discard from the collection. Materials that are damaged, obsolete, under used, or are duplicate titles may be removed at the discretion of the Director.

PC Use

Personal Computers are provided equally to all of our patrons. Parents or guardians – not the library staff – are responsible for their minor children.

Due to the limited resources available, Personal Computer use must be reserved. Personal Computer use can be reserved for a fifteen-minute block and can be reserved up to two days in advance. Additional time may be reserved at the discretion of the Library Director.

Personal Computers may be used for the following activities:

Word Processing
Remote – E-Mail (Please Refer To The E-Mail Policy)
Internet Access (Please Refer To The Internet Policy)
Desktop Publishing

Patrons are required to bring in their own floppy or zip(250) disks for data storage and retrieval.

Various activities not allowed include, but are not limited to:

Loading Software
Downloading Files Off The Internet
Illegal Activities
Saving Files to The Hard Drive
Reconfiguring The Computer And Its Software
The use of Personal Computers and software are the responsibility of the user. It is not the responsibility of the Library Director or staff to provide instruction in the operation of the computer and it’s applications.

Internet Access

The Clayville Library Association, in response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, strives to develop collections, resources and services that meet the recreational, educational, informational, and cultural needs of its diverse community by providing access to electronic information.

The Clayville Library provides access to the Internet. The Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.

All Internet resources accessible through the Library are provided equally to all Library users. The Library does not censor access to materials or protect patrons from information. Parents or guardians, not the Library or its staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents – and only parents – may restrict their children – and only their children – from access to Internet resources accessible through the Library. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.

The use of the Internet for any illegal activity is strictly forbidden. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibilities arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems.

E-Mail Use

The Clayville Library Association does not provide electronic mail services. We do provide access to free web based electronic mail services provided by other Internet companies. Below is a link to a partial list of electronic mail service providers. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list. The Clayville Library Association in no way endorses or certifies any of the free Internet electronic mail companies nor accepts liability for its use.

Book Drop

The book drop will be checked at the close of regular library hours. Any materials returned after that time will be discharged the following day. Books and videos are the only materials allowed to be returned in the book drop. All other materials must be returned at the desk. Failure to follow this return policy will result in a fine of $1 per item plus the cost of any damages.

Community Programs

Unless otherwise indicated, all programming events will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Ludlow Community Room. Admission is generally free and always open to the public. Registration may be necessary for programs. Watch for details in our monthly Library Lines, Utica Observer Dispatch, and our World Wide Web page [http://www.clayvillelibrary.org]


Weather – If the library must close, a sign will be posted to notify you of such closure. Notification will be made through local media.

Fire – If a fire is discovered, determine its location and evacuate as quickly and calmly as possible. No person shall remain in the building to try to extinguish the fire, EXCEPT THE DIRECTOR OR IN-CHARGE STAFF PERSON IF THEIR DECISION AND CONDITIONS WARRANT. Call emergency services immediately at 911.

Medical – The director or In-Charge staff person should immediately determine the extent of the injuries. A first aid kit is available for minor injuries. If further medical attention is needed, dial 911.


Audio & Visual Equipment – The audio & visual equipment is available for in house use only. Use of this equipment is subject to the discretion of the Director.

Photocopier – Copies are available at 15¢ per copy. Local community nonprofit organizations will be allowed up to twenty free copies per day. Students needing copies for school assignments will be allowed free copies. This is subject to the discretion of the director.

Exhibit & Display – All exhibits and displays will be coordinated with the library director. The content, duration, and location of such exhibits and displays will be at the discretion of the Director with additional guidance from the Board of Trustees.

Fax: – The Fax machine may be used to send or receive up to five pages per day free of charge. Additional pages will cost 15¢.

Books & Magazines –

The library accepts gifts of books, but reserves the right to evaluate and to dispose of them in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials.

Monetary Donations

Donors giving our library $500 or more in any calendar year, may request, at the inception of the gift, that it be used for a specific purpose. All other gifts will be used at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.



The Clayville Library Association makes every effort to inform the community of events and accomplishments. The following is a partial list of sources that will keep you aware of our Library’s events: 1) Observer Dispatch, 2) Monthly issue of Library Lines, 3) Various posters displayed within the community, and 4) On our web site www.clayvillelibrary.org

Ludlow Community Room

The Clayville Library Association welcomes the use of the Ludlow Community Room. Permission to use the community room in no way implies library endorsement of goals or activities of any individual or organization using the room.

The applicant shall not use the Ludlow Community Room in any manner, which violates any Federal, State, County, Town or Village statute, law or ordinance. In addition all library policies must be adhered to. The Board of Trustees of the Clayville Library Association reserves the right to refuse or revoke the use of the Ludlow Community Room to any individual or organization.

Any individual or organization using the Ludlow Community Room assumes all liability occasioned by such use and will indemnify and hold harmless the Clayville Library Association and the Board of Trustees of the Clayville Library Association for any injury which occurs related to the individual or organization regardless of whether such injury or damage is related to personal injury or property damage.

No adhesive materials, scotch tape, nails, or tacks will be allowed on the walls, ceiling, or tables. The uses of table decorations are permitted. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the property.

To reserve the Ludlow Community Room, the applicant must contact the Ludlow Community Room Coordinator to check the availability. Reservations are based on a first come-first serve basis.

Kitchen Use: The use of the kitchen facility requires a $50 deposit. The Kitchen will be inspected prior to and after the event. The deposit will be refunded within 10 days if the kitchen is left in pre-event condition.

Community Room: The use of the community room and bathroom facilities requires a $50 deposit. The community room and bathroom will be inspected prior to and after the event. The deposit will be refunded within 10 days if the community room and bathroom are left in pre-event condition.

Combined use of Kitchen and Community Room: The use of both facilities requires a $100 deposit. The rooms will be inspected prior to and after the event. The deposit will be refunded within 10 days if all facilities are left in pre-event condition.

Kitchen Amenities Available:
6 burner commercial gas stove with oven
Full sheet oven trays
Full size cooler
Two conventional stand mixers
Various kitchen utensils

Kitchen Items not for public use:
Industrial convection oven
Industrial floor stand mixer

Your responsibilities:
Provide your own dishes, glassware and flatware
Trash removal
Cleaning all facilities to pre-event condition
Turn off lights
Lock doors
Return key to book drop or to Librarian during library hours

Violation of any of these rules may result in the individual or organization being refused use of the Ludlow Community Room in the future.


Failure to comply with any or all of the above policies may result in the revocation of immediate and/or future services. These policies will be revised periodically.•State Education Law, Section 265: Whoever willfully detains any book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or other property belonging to any public or incorporated library, reading room, museum, or other educational institution, for thirty (30) days after notice in writing to return the same, given after the expiration of the time which by the rules of such institution, such article or other property may be kept, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty five dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding six months, and the said notice shall bear on it’s face copy of this section.

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