Library Board of Trustees Meeting & Minutes

Clayville Library Association Board of Trustee Meeting Schedule. Our regular meeting will be on the second Tuesday of the following months.

The time will be at 5:00 pm.

Public is welcome to attend.
You can view our meeting minutes and meeting documents on our webpage:

2023  Meeting Dates:

January 10           August 8 

March 14         September 12

May 9               November 14



Clayville Library Association

Pandemic Operations Plan


The purpose of this policy is to establish a procedure to be used in the event of an epidemic/pandemic or other public health emergency. This policy differs from a general emergency preparedness policy or procedure. In the case of an event such as a fire, storm, or utility outage, there is an assumption that staff will return to the building and normal library services will resume shortly after the event or crisis has ended. In the case of a public health emergency, recovery may be slow and limited staff, services, and hours may be necessary for an extended period of time. In the event of a pandemic or other serious health emergency, the library may be required to take measures to help slow the spread of the illness. These measures may include temporary closure of the library to the public and/or service restrictions such as limited hours of operation, reduced staffing, restricted access to areas in the library, increased health and safety measures for staff, cancellation of programs, special events, and meeting room reservations, etc.

Essential Positions

Essential workers are as defined by New York Library Association (NYLA). Employees who will be allowed in the building are individuals who are needed to check and maintain the building, perform bookkeeping duties, complete payroll and prepare for virtual programming. Non-essential workers are as defined by NYLA. Non-essential employees will be asked to keep a record of their activities and time spent on those activities (i.e. webinars and collection development). 

If non-essential workers cannot work from home, Clayville Library Association (CLA) may furlough non-essential workers. Should a furlough take place, employees may opt to do the following: Use vacation or accrued time where applicableTake an unpaid leave of absence Apply for unemployment benefits

Remote Work Protocols

Please see Clayville Library Association’s Telecommuting Policy.

Scheduling Protocols

People who can work from home will be encouraged to do so, thereby limiting the number of employees in the building.

Work shifts may be altered to accommodate fewer people working together at one time. Each employee will work at one station for the duration of their shift and will be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their work station at the end of their shift.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

To ensure employees comply with protective equipment requirements, Clayville Library Association (CLA) will: Provide employees with acceptable face coverings at no cost to the employee and will have an adequate supply on hand. CLA will maintain sufficient supplies of PPE (gloves, mask, etc.). Inventory will be monitored weekly and replenishments will be ordered as needed. PPE will be stored in a common area accessible to all employees. Face coverings must be cleaned or replaced after use or when damaged or soiled. They may not be shared, and should be properly stored or discarded. Staff can request additional masks if theirs become damaged or soiled. Staff will be allowed to bring in their personally owned masks as long as they meet the CDC recommended guidelines. Staff will be required to launder their own reusable masks.  Limit the sharing of objects and discourage touching of shared surfaces. Employees will be issued individual containers that will include their office supplies, masks and personal PPE, that will be utilized by that employee only. When in contact with shared objects or frequently touched areas, employees may wear gloves and should sanitize or wash their hands before and after contact. Items such as computers and other technologies or items that will be shared among staff will be wiped down with approved sanitizer wipes or solutions before and after each use by an individual. Hand sanitizer and soap will be readily available throughout the building. Signs encouraging proper hand washing will be posted throughout the Library.

Documentation of Work Hours and Locations (Staff Exposures, Cleaning, and Disinfection)

CLA is committed to providing a safe and sanitary environment for its patrons and staff. Based on recommendations from the Oneida County Health Department, other appropriate public health organizations, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local, state or federal government entities, the Library may increase the frequency or methods of cleaning and sanitizing the building, especially high traffic areas and surfaces.

CLA will place a strong emphasis on prevention and individual responsibility for taking necessary precautions to help prevent the spread of infection. CLA will provide its patrons and staff with convenient access to hand sanitizer, hand washing facilities, and disinfecting wipes. Signs will be posted throughout the building encouraging all to frequently wash and disinfect their hands to help minimize the spread of an infectious illness. The Library itself will endeavor to clean and disinfect surfaces as often as is reasonably practical. Computers designated for public use will have a protective film covering the keyboard, and mouse. At the end of the patron’s allotted time, staff will sanitize the computer station. Communal desks will be disinfected as well at the end of the employees’ allotted time on the desk.

CLA will require patrons, visitors, vendors, and community partners who visit the library to practice the following recommendations provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases: wear an appropriate mask when coming to the Library (no exceptions).  Masks must cover both the mouth and nose. practice social distancing and abide by the markings and signs throughout the Library. stay home when sick. wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. avoid touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth. cover one’s cough or sneeze with a tissue, then disposing the tissue in the trash.

●           avoid close contact with people who are sick.

To ensure employees comply with hygiene and cleaning requirements, CLA will: Adhere to hygiene and sanitation requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH) and maintain cleaning logs on site that document date, time, and scope of cleaning. The Director and a designee will be responsible for keeping and maintaining the cleaning log. The log will be scanned monthly and uploaded to the appropriate CLA Google Drive folder. Provide and maintain hand hygiene stations for personnel, including handwashing with soap, water, and paper towels, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where handwashing is not feasible. Signage will be posted in all restrooms and washing facilities with the CDC recommendations on hand-washing protocols. Hand soap and other sanitizing products will be kept at the Library and will be replenished as needed.  Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection at least after every shift, daily, or more frequently as needed, and frequent cleaning and disinfection of shared objects and surfaces, as well as high transit areas, such as restrooms and common areas, must be completed. 

Social Distancing

If directed by local, state, or federal health mandates to implement social distancing, the CLA will follow such mandates, both within the library building, and, where appropriate, upon the library premises. Further, it shall be within the discretion of the Library, acting through its Director and its Board of Trustees, to impose additional mandates as determined to be necessary to maintain appropriate social distancing and to protect the health, safety, and well-being of both patrons, volunteers, and staff. 

Employee Illness

If an employee tests positive for COVID-19 or any other illness associated with a pandemic/epidemic, CLA will cooperate with contact tracing efforts, including notification of potential contacts, such as other employees or patrons who had close contact with the individual, while maintaining confidentiality required by state and federal law and regulations. The employee’s workstation will be thoroughly disinfected.

Quarantine Protocol

What to do if you were exposed to COVID-19 or suspect an infection: Do not return to work. Contact the Director. Seek a medical diagnosis. Request medical documents for submission to Human Resources.

What to do in order to return to work: Communicate results to the Director before coming back to work.  Return will be based upon the latest CDC guidelines.  Do not return to work until you have been cleared by the Director and provided any possible changes in scheduling.

 Quarantine Scenarios​

| An employee with no symptoms gets tested because they come into contact with someone outside of their NHPL work shifts who is getting tested due to symptoms or possible exposure: The employee may request to work from home or they may request other leave.  The employee needs to inform the Director of their test results. If results are positive, Oneida County Department of Health (DOH) will be informed and the staff member cannot return to work until they are cleared. | A staff member comes into contact with a symptomatic individual at NHPL while working their shift: Any staff with limited contact with the symptomatic person will be identified and contacted by the Director or a designee of the Director. Any staff member who had prolonged contact, within 6 feet or in the same space for more than 15 minutes, with that person will be asked to work from home (if applicable) with full pay until they are told by the Director or a designee of the Director to return to work. If the NHPL is notified that a symptomatic individual tests positive, then NHPL staff exposed to that employee will be contacted by the Director or a designee of the Director. Employees may be told to get tested and quarantine by the DOH. If they are not directed to get tested, employees may choose to get tested on their own.  | An employee is contacted by the county contact tracers and told to quarantine: Employee must quarantine and follow the other Oneida County DOH directives. Employee must inform the Director.  If the employee does not have symptoms, they can return to work at the completion of the quarantine period.  If the employee is experiencing symptoms, they must quarantine.  If the employee takes a test and they get a positive result, they need to inform the Director. | An employee has traveled from a quarantine state: Do not return to work.  Contact the Director. Follow NYS guidelines regarding testing and/or quarantining after traveling out of state. | An employee is opting to be tested without having symptoms and having no contact with anyone who has symptoms or is positive: Employee will be allowed to report to work and function at CLA as normal. If the test results are positive for COVID-19, the employee must inform the Director or their designee and follow the established protocol.

Quarantining Items

Public Health authorities may recommend quarantining recently returned items. Items will remain in quarantine for the prescribed period for that material, as per the Mid-York Library System protocol. Materials may remain on patrons’ cards during the quarantine period. The CLA staff will utilize a Fine Free Discharge procedure upon end of the quarantine period to return the item to the STACKS or appropriate lending library.

To ensure materials do not aid in the transmission of a communicable disease, CLA will require that: All material be returned through the book drops. Materials will be quarantined for 7days. Quarantine periods may be altered if guidance provided to the Mid York Library Systems should change. Staff wear appropriate PPE while handling materials.

Communicating with the Public Due to Closure of the Library

It is the policy of the Clayville Library Association to notify its patrons, employees, volunteers, and community as soon as possible in the event of a library closure. If a reopening date is known that date should also be communicated.

Methods of communication to be used include, where possible, the following: signage at Library entrances notice on the Library website notice on the Library’s social media platforms and newsletter. announcements on local TV, and news publications notification to Mid-York Library System emails and/or phone calls to staff, volunteers, and trustees any other methods of communications that may come available

If there are delays beyond the expected reopening date, regular communication should occur, using the available methods outlined above.

Criteria for Suspending or Limiting Library Programs

CLA will consider the following criteria to determine limiting or canceling Library-sponsored programs: mandates, orders, or recommendations regarding group sizes recommended by local, county, and state officials amount of staff available to run or assist with programs room usage and availability (for example, community room use may be dedicated            to storage or quarantining items)

Public use of the Ludlow Community Room and Gazebo for non-library sponsored programs will be subject to the above criteria.

Virtual Services

CLA will maintain continuity of library services to the greatest extent possible while working to provide a safe environment and complying with local, county, and state mandates. CLA will strive to minimize the negative impacts on access to resources and services resulting from procedures adopted in response to a pandemic. The Library will work to preserve access to its online resources with the help and support of the Mid York System.

Policy Approved: March 15, 2021



It is the policy of the Clayville Library Association to allow the privilege of telecommuting, on a discretionary basis, as determined by the Director.  Telecommuting is the concept of working from home or another location on a full or part-time basis.  Telecommuting is not a universal employee benefit.  The CLA has the right to refuse to make telecommuting available to an employee and to terminate a telecommuting arrangement at any time.  Eligible positions must be ones that can be performed at a remote site without diminishing the quality of the work or disrupting the productivity of the System.   

All forms of telecommuting continue an employer/employee relationship, with the employee generally receiving the same benefits and having the same responsibilities as a non-telecommuting employee unless otherwise specified.  A telecommuting employee must abide by all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations as well as with all Clayville Library policies and rules, including strictly adhering to policies regarding computer/internet usage and procedures concerning information security.

Approval for an employee’s request for telecommuting must be in writing from the Director and reviewed at least annually.  Each request will include: Justification for the request to telecommuteWork days and hours proposed

The specific time schedule for the telecommuting employee will be worked out between the employee and the Director and confirmed in writing.  The telecommuting employee must be available for contact during scheduled work time including but not limited to, for example, telephone, fax, network access, email, text messaging or other communication methods.  A telecommuter will be required to maintain accurate time accounting documentation to support and substantiate work hours and job activities.  The operational needs of the System as determined by the Director will at all times take precedence over any existing telecommuting agreements.

Employees must provide at least two weeks’ notice of any request to terminate or alter a telecommuting arrangement.  Employees with telecommuting arrangements may be required to attend meetings or events as deemed necessary by Clayville Library management.

Employee Agreement My total number of work hours will not change due to my telecommuting, and I will continue to be responsible for completing my timekeeping. There may be times when I will be requested to come to the library or another location during a time that I might have planned to spend at the off-site work location. It will be my responsibility to come to the library or another location as requested during these times. As a telecommuter, the duties, obligations, responsibilities, and conditions of my employment with the Clayville Library remain unchanged.  My salary and benefits, as referenced in the Employee Handbook, will remain the same. Work hours, compensation, use of sick leave, and approval for use of vacation will conform to Clayville Library policies and procedures, departmental guidelines, and to the terms otherwise agreed upon by my supervisor and me. I agree to seek advance approval from my supervisor/Board of Trustees for the use of paid time off or any other form of leave. I understand that I will not work overtime unless it has been approved in advance according to the policy in the Employee Handbook. I agree that I will not be the primary care provider for any dependent during my work hours and I will make regular dependent care arrangements during telecommuting periods. I agree to maintain a safe and secure work environment. Upon reasonable notice, I agree to allow the System access to assess safety and security. I agree to report work-related injuries as indicated in the Employee Handbook. I agree to inform the Clayville Library of any reasonable accommodation requests. I agree to hold Clayville Library harmless for injury to others at the off-site work location. I understand any use of my personal vehicle for Clayville Library business will be guided by the Employee Handbook. I agree to use Clayville Library owned equipment, records, and materials for the purpose of library business only, and to protect them against unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. I agree to report to my supervisor instances of loss, damage, or unauthorized access at the earliest reasonable opportunity. I agree to keep secure Clayville Library information according to the policies and procedures and will not use Clayville Library data for personal use. I agree to save my work on the Clayville Library’s dedicated storage area whenever I am able. To the extent I am unable to save my work in this fashion; I agree to save my work onto another appropriate device such as an external hard drive and place said device in a secure location. I understand that all equipment, records, and materials provided by the Clayville Library shall remain the property of the Clayville Library. I agree to return library equipment, records and materials upon termination of this agreement. All library equipment will be returned to the Clayville Library by me for inspection, repair, replacement, or repossession within 3 days of a written request. Tax and other legal implications for the business use of the home are based on IRS, state and local government restriction. I am responsible for tax consequences and other legal implications that may occur including local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that the Clayville Library complies with applicable laws concerning telecommuting and I agree to immediately notify the library management of any questions or concerns I may have that applicable laws or regulations are not being complied with. I understand that all obligations, responsibilities, terms, and conditions of employment with the Clayville Library remain unchanged, except those obligations and responsibilities specifically addressed in this agreement. I agree to be available during the assigned business hours as stipulated in this agreement for communication through such methods as designated phone number, voice mail, e-mail, etc. I agree to provide sufficient internet service to facilitate this agreement. I understand that any change in this schedule requires advance approval by the Executive Director.

Employee Information

Last Name:____________________________  First Name: ___________________Middle Initial:______

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Position Title:_________________________________________________________________________

Reason for Telecommuting Agreement




Off-Facility Worksite Information

Physical Address:______________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________

Phone (Landline):___________________Cell Phone:______________________ Fax Number: ________

Email Address:________________________________________________________________________

Work Schedule Information for Employees

Sunday: ___________a.m. /p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site______ Offsite_________________

Monday: __________a.m. /p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site______ Off-site_________________

Tuesday: __________a.m. /p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site______ Off-site_________________

Wednesday: _______a.m. /p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.       On-site_______Off-site_________________

Thursday: _________a.m. /p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site_______Off-site_________________

Friday: ____________a.m./p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site_______Off-site_________________

Saturday: __________a.m./p.m. to _________a.m./p.m.      On-site_______Off-site_________________

Duties and Responsibilities




Employee Provided Equipment:  Employee agrees to provide and maintain the following equipment (examples include cell phones, internet connection, cable modem, etc.);

Equipment Type


Library Equipment: Clayville Library agrees it will provide and maintain the following equipment to facilitate this agreement;

Equipment Type/( & ID)


The Clayville Library reserves the right to cancel or modify this agreement at any time.

I hereby affirm by my signature that I have read this Telecommuting Agreement, and understand and agree to all of its provisions.

Employee Signature:_______________________________________________Date:____________


BOT President:____________________________________________________Date:____________

Adopted:   June 2018

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