Durable Medical Equipment
Do you have a relative visiting this summer and your home isn’t disability friendly?
Are you planning on a surgery that will require short term rehabilitation?
Many other situations warrant some sort of in home recuperative medical equipment for short term use.
Our new circulating DME will be loaned for 30 day increments and are renewable.
Equipment available – wheelchair, toilet rails, crutches, cane, 2-wheel walker/basket, stability bars, etc
Stop by the library for more info – it will be here if you are ever in need!
These materials made possible by a grant from the Community Foundation to the MidYork Library System’s participating libraries.
Visit our brand NEW
Barrett Nature Gazebo
behind the library.
Watch for summer events scheduled for the BNG….
Stop in and “Check-Out” our NEW Early Literacy
Elephant & Piggie Reading & Craft bags!
Don’t miss our NEW “Makerspace Corner”
Unique and creative Kits now available for check out and exploration